I don’t want to be a copycat when it comes to looking at other Makers for inspiration. What I find that happens is once I get started on the project, DIY, craft, etc. I end up tapping into my own creative juices and turning it into something unique to me and my style. So don’t be afraid to look to other Makers for inspiration!
Here are 7 places that I go to for inspiration:
Pinterest: It’s so easy to pop a query in search and see what comes up! Look at other Boards and create your own to look back at later. It’s like tearing out pages from your favorite magazines and keeping them all together!
YouTube: I love watching a good DIY "how to". The search bar is your friend, so type in what you’re looking for and see what pops up. Make sure to subscribe and like the video and creator to show them your support!
Instagram: Search hashtags for things like #DIY #DIYersOfInstagram or whatever area you are interested in like #crochet #soaping #jewerlymaking #crafting. Scroll through and check out what interests you. You can also look at Reels – quick videos are always inspiring.
Magazines: Yes, magazines still exist! They may be thinner in pages but are still fun to look through. I like to rip pages out and hang on my inspiration board in my office.
Art Gallery/Museum: Walking through an art gallery or museum can transport you into the mind of the artist. Stop to read the plaques and learn about the artist and their process. This piece was inspired by my visit to the Hirshhorn Musuem in D.C.
Craft Shows: Nothing is more enjoyable than walking through a craft show, especially a curated show. Again, you don’t have to exactly copy the original artwork or craft, but you can get inspiration and make it your own.
Meditation: I don’t think many people use this technique for inspiration, but it can help you gain clarity and vision for your next creation. Take at least 10-15 minutes to close your eyes and concentrate on slow breaths. In your mind, ask the question “what is my next creation” or if you have something in mind but don’t know what your next step is, maybe ask “what is my next step”. Then continue to breath slow and let the ideas flow in.
I also find that when I’m working on something and my logical side is just telling me to “get it done” but my intuition says “slow down for a minute, it needs something else” I slow down and give it a little more time to figure out my next step. And believe it or not, something will pop into my mind, or I will see something online or one of the other places mentioned above that will make the creation even better than I originally imagined. For instance, right now I’m working on refinishing some furniture for my son’s bedroom and the bottom shelves are made of MDF so I don’t want to stain that part. I figured I would just paint a contrasting color to the natural wood color on the rest of the piece. Of course, I’m in a hurry because I feel pressure to get a video up on YouTube, but this feeling kept nagging at me to wait. So, this morning I decided to look at some wallpaper with modern designs and found a design that I like that I will use to cover the MDF board! I ordered today and I know it won’t come in in time for me to finish up the video, so I’ll have to pivot and create a different video for this week and finish the furniture makeover video at another time. This extra effort and patience will ensure that the furniture doesn’t just look good but looks great!
Where do you find inspiration?
Thanks for reading and have a DIY Day!
~ Jeanne