Hi! I'm Jeanne.

When I was 10 years old, I asked for a toolbox for Christmas. I was so excited. As soon as I opened that gift, I knew I had to put my tools to use right away. I walked throughout the house, tools in hand, making sure that every screw that held anything in place was security tightened. I was SO proud of myself!
Today, I still use tools to create and to transform my vision into reality. Whether it’s a furniture flip, holiday crafts, soap making, home décor or whatever currently tickles my fancy, I’m always eager to create!
Makers Unify® allows me to not only share my creations, but also highlights other talented creators and artists of all mediums. As a community of Makers, we encourage and inspire each other. I often find myself wanting to learn and do it all – but am just as satisfied watching the process and progress other Makers go through to bring their visions to life.
We are all capable of creating. Let’s share our gifts with each other, have fun and make new friends!